New image available: Ubuntu 15.04 x86_64

A new image of Ubuntu 15.04 x86_64 is available.

You can start downloading by clicking here.

Ubuntu server 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) x86/amd64 is here

You can download the torrent OVA images here

Notes: US keyboard, Guest Additions NOT installed. Additional packages: OpenSSH server. 32 and 64 bit version.

Ubuntu server 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) x86/amd64 is here

You can download the torrent OVA images here

Notes: US keyboard, Guest Additions NOT installed. Additional packages: OpenSSH server.

Ubuntu Server 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) x86 is here

You can download the torrent OVA image here

Notes: Additional packages: OpenSSH server, gpm, console-data; US keyboard, Guest Additions NOT installed.

New images for Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Archlinux

At long last I have been able to upload these new images:

Note that the Archlinux image is actually split in two torrents. From now on, every OVA larger than 1,9 GBytes will be split in several pieces, as I have found that bigger files have an extremely high chance of error in uploads to my Amazon S3 bucket (I don’t know the reason at the moment, and have no time to investigate further).

This is not a definite truth, as I have been able to successfully upload the 2.5 GBytes Archlinux OVA without any splitting, so if you have any clues, I would like to hear from you through the contact form.
